Friday 8 March 2024

Here I am again

It’s been nearly 10 years since I last wrote a blog. And if I’m honest I didn’t expect to be here again. I didn’t expect to be alone and feeling as disappointed (well actually more disappointed) than I did 10 years ago. I didn’t expect to need to put my feelings down in words and remind myself it’s all going to be ok as long as I keep making the best of everyday. Yet, after a few very difficult months well years, and trying with mixed success to deal with it in other ways, here I am again.

But I come with the same attitude and with the aim to make sure my confidence isn’t diminished by my experiences.

I went to a talk on confidence the other day for International Women’s Day and it served as a big reminder to me - and I left with a feeling I wanted to capture so I can refer back to it when I need to. Here are the three biggest outtakes I took from it:

1. Confidence is like a muscle, the more we use it the stronger it gets.

2. Don’t obsess about the invisible ‘they’ - we shouldn’t define our lives by what other people might be thinking about us. There will be criticism and there will be praise but it’s how you think about yourself that matters most.

3. Be proud of who we are - all of us, even the ‘messy’ bits. We’re not perfect but we are masterpieces in the making. This was quoted and it really resonated with me:

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