Friday 28 June 2013

It's the simple things...

Simplicity is a huge trend at the moment. It's big in the design world, it's a marketing trend, it's the subject of countless blogs, there's even a magazine called the Simple Things (which by the way, is a great mag).

Now without lecturing you on how we'd all be a happier, healthier bunch if we appreciated the simple things in life I just wanted to briefly give you my take on the matter. So here it is:

Yes, I do think many of us barely stop long enough to notice the simple things let alone appreciate them.

And yes, I do think there is a lot to be said for the smell of freshly mown grass, reading a good book, watching the sun set, baking fresh bread, skimming stones in the sea.

But for me it's not so much the simple things in themselves that hold the greatest beauty, it's who you take the time to appreciate them with.

It's the smell of charcoal as you BBQ with your brother, it's going to the park with your friends, it's watching the sun set with that special someone, it's cloud watching with your best friend, it's simply a hug from your Granddad.

Appreciate the little things and appreciate who you do them with. Simple.

Sunday 9 June 2013

The happiest people...

My mantra in life is inspired by a phrase from some very clever, sensible and no doubt happy person:
Doesn't that just say it all? I've met so many people that believe the grass is always greener, but in my view sometimes, this is it - and you won't ever be happy unless you start appreciating what you have. That's why my aim is to make the best of every day, whatever it brings - hence the name of my blog.
I intend to live, love and most of all laugh, because it's true what they say life really is better when you're laughing. These are my random musings as I do just that.